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Manly Hobbies That Attract Women

Zombies. They walk the earth. They shuffle around, going through the motions – they drag themselves to work, they shuffle through stores, they distract themselves with meaningless entertainment, they numb themselves with drugs and tranquilize themselves with food.

They do their job, come home and veg, maybe get aggravated at the family, eat, sleep, and do it again the next day. And the day after that. In fact, this describes how most people sleepwalk through their lives.

It saddens me when I meet people who don’t have their own personal “thing”. Something they’re passionate about. Something that they DO, that gives them a UNIQUE IDENTITY. Something COOL.

It doesn’t have to be a colossal mission like tearing down “the system” – as Tyler Durden set out to accomplish in Fight Club. It might be a way to blow off some steam, express your creativity, adds value to your life, or just widens your social circle. And of course, that makes you interesting to girls.

So what sets you apart from the millions of other finance guys, middle managers, IT troubleshooters, small business owners etc? What attracts women to you? What’s YOUR thing?

If its cooking up meth in your kitchen or organizing travel groups to Al Quada training camps in Pakistan, you’ll get blown up and be deleted from the dating pool shortly. For everyone else, on with the show.

Uncool hobbies:

* Collecting stuff – stamps, beer cans of the world, bugs * Tying fishing lures. Girls will not find this sexy. * Gaming (WoW, Sims, Call of Duty) Amazingly popular, yes. But its a substitute for life, not life itself. * Being any kind of “reenactor”. Are you seriously going to wear your Civil War mutton chop sideburns all year long? * Scrapbooking. How sentimental. Yikes.

Cool Hobbies That Chicks Like

* Playing an instrument. Guitar, bass, piano, saxophone- with the exception of accordion and contra bassoon, almost any instrument offers multiple opportunities to get girls. * Dancing. (Ballroom, Swing) Chuck Lidell and Evander Hollyfield got over their fear of looking spastic, and so can you. Being able to dance gives you a major edge over your competition. You’ll have fun. You’ll meet lots of girls who will eagerly take your lead/ You’ll showcase your grace & sophistication. Other guys will be standing around with their thumbs hooked in their belt. * Restoring Hot Rods (while grease and tools might not enthrall girls, driving a hot car does turn heads) * Martial Arts – A guy that can take care of himself and protect his woman’s very attractive.. Shop for a system that appeals to you, a qualified instructor and a good school vibe. (*Personal Prejudice: steer clear of Tae Kwon Do – its a joke). * Learning a language. It stretches your brain. * Travel – It expands your perspective and makes you more worldly. Plus, you can use your new language skills to pick up in other countries! * Cooking- “Come over to my place, I’ll cook dinner. You bring desert” Remember, most of the world’s finest chefs are men. * Volunteering. As the saying goes, “when we are good to others, we are best to ourselves”. Find a cause you can support and get involved. The more you contribute, the more you enrich yourself. * Outdoor activities o skiing o hiking o mountaineering o sailing, boating o surfing o scuba

A note of caution: At the beginning of your learning curve, your new hobby will NOT be fun. As a matter of fact, you’ll likely feel irritatingly frustrated. Fun is a function of competence, and that takes time. No one just walks into a brand new endeavor and masters it. So be prepared to stick it out for at least 6 weeks (the length of an introduction class) to 6 months (the minimum amount of time to develop some aptitude).


I understand that there are only so many hours in a day, and that you’re tired after work, and you have responsibilities. So does everyone else.If you sincerely want to meet women MAKE the time and make it happen. Or you can mill around with the rest of the zombies.

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