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A Part Of The History Of Levi Jeans

In 1853 Levi Strauss arrived in San Francisco and opened a wholesale dry goods business selling items to small stores all through the West. Then in 1872 Jacob Davis writes to Levi Strauss, telling him about the process he invented to rivet the pocket corners on mens pants to make them stronger. He suggests the two men take out a patent.

Three years later Levi Strauss & Jacob Davis are granted a patent on the process of riveting pants and this is the invention of the blue jean. The pants – called “waist overalls” – have one back pocket, a watch pocket, a cinch, suspender buttons and a rivet in the crotch. There may have been a tradition of pocket stitching on mens work clothes but this has not been proved for certain. The cinch and suspender buttons were standard on mens pants. Levi did not invent the cut or fit of the waist overalls; what they did was take ordinary mens work pants and rivet them, creating the new category of workwear which we today call blue jeans.

Levi Jeans, originally work wear for lumberjacks and farm workers in the American South in the 19th century are the first and only choice for many fashion conscious jeans wearers today. And nothing personifies this well deserved image more than the iconic Levi 501 Jeans.

With a history and pedigree spanning over 130 years, Levi Jeans have evolved from the original utilitarian garment for manual workers in the American South in the 19th century to a designer and must have item for the fashion conscious jeans wearer of the 21st century. Yet Levi Jeans are still sought after for their practicality and durability.

Levi Jeans come in a mind-boggling and mouth watering variety of styles which include; the basic comfort straight leg version, the loose fit Boyfriend Cut (worn slouchy and below the waist) , the Boot Cut ( they do what they say on the tin – i.e. facilitate your boots), to bang up to date skinny jeans ( not for the faint hearted – or more generously proportioned !) Just to add to the fun the choice of finishes range from ; stone wash, one wash black, and , originally challenging to parents everywhere , the broken in. Incidentally such is the generation spanning appeal of Levi Jeans that those same parents are now probably wearing these as a comfort choice themselves!

For the connoisseur, however, the iconic and cult Levi 501 Jeans with the trade mark button fly is the Levi Jean of choice. The granddaddy of all jeans and still the leader for understated effortless everyday style. Ageless and timeless Levi 501 jeans have been the must have dream jeans for teenagers (of all ages!). Nothing says more about lifestyle and aspirations than these stylish and wonderfully understated Levis’. Indeed Levi Strauss are so cognizant of the importance of the brand to the history of jean making and to their success as a company that in 1997 they paid $25,000 for a pair of vintage (1890) Levi 501 jeans.

If you like to dress to impress and have room and resources for just one essential, statement pair of jeans in your wardrobe then it has to be Levi Jeans and for the connoisseur it has to be Levi 501 Jeans.

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