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Rock Bands & Rock Music

Rock music began to develop and show up as a new type of music in the 1940s and 1950s, and it quickly developed and spread throughout the United States and the world. Rock bands used a mix of many other types of musical styles and genres that had come before it to develop a brand new and exciting sound. Rock punk gothic, heavy metal and many other types of rock bands today can all trace their roots back in history to the original rock bands and the start of rocknroll.

Popular cultural figures have inspired fashion trends for generations, and rock bands are no exception. In fact, rock bands are often the main influence in many popular styles since it first developed in the music scene. Vintage clothes, dressing glam and wearing other related merchandise not only represents your musical style but also makes a personal statement. Rock bands have also greatly contributed to the popularity of the t-shirt.

The t-shirt developed from longer underclothes worn during the turn of the last century. By World War II, the t-shirt as we know it today had been developed and began to grow in use and popularity, although most often was still used only as an under garment. In the 1930s, companies such as Sears, Hanes and Fruit of Loom began to mass market the t-shirt. In the 1950s, James Dean forever popularized the look of the t-shirt as outerwear. This decade also ushered in the first uses of promotional messages seen on t-shirts. The sixties brought in the era of the tie-dye t-shirt shirt and other t-shirts with political and social messages.

The music industry began to realize the fashion and marketing potential in the music band t-shirt throughout the 1970s and 1980s. By this time, there were also better fabric blends as well as better picture and lettering methods that created higher quality. The era of music band t-shirts also came at a time when clothing could now be mass-produced on a much larger scale. The black band t-shirt is now thought as much a part of rock bands as any other accessory. This includes rock, punk, gothic and heavy metal as well as the many other branches of rock music. Music band t-shirts not only advertise the rock bands of your choice, but are another way of representing your personality with the vast array of choices in styles and colors available today. Glam and vintage clothing can also add to your own unique statement as can additional merchandise to represent your musical tastes, ideals or an era gone by. Rock bands have enjoyed an exciting cultural influence throughout history and continue to inspire a changing creative fashion edge. Rock T-Shirts & Bands Rock Punk

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