New Fashion Outlet

Helikon Tex – Official Representative of Military Clothing

The Ofensywa-Helikon Shophas been in business going on 7 years now. They have a blemish less reputation for supplying top quality and authentic military clothing and gear. What started out as a dream to support troops had turned into a small chain with stores now in Europe, Poland and Wroclaw. The company is working on expanding even more to supply troops in need in a fast and efficient manner with top quality merchandise. All of the European Union countries are included in the shipping area through UPS.

Helikon Tex Military Clothing in Wroclaw Polandis a great place to shop if you or someone you love is in the military. Ofensywahelps to supply the men and women in our armed forces who may lack in gear, and the prices are remarkable. All of the merchandise is durable and will offer extended longevity of life per garment. Just some examples of the merchandise are the Delta Jacket, CPU trousers, RipStops in different colors and so much more. Again, it is all authentic. Padded combat shirts and camo’s of different assortments can also be found. This is the one stop shop for men and women who serve in the armed forces, or someone looking to give them a gift. Accessories and additional gear can also be found on the site.

Shipping methods may be a bit different that you are accustomed, but it is fast and accurate. Polish Post is an airmail company that handles all 25k or less parcels. In Europe or the US the shipment will be handles by UPS. The consumer is responsible to pay shipping and handling.

You may return the items by contacting the company with any issues. They can lead you through. Yes! This is a company that will actually speak to you. There are no hurtles to jump through to reach a customer service representative. It is an amazing company that offers you the best of the best, because the people fighting on the front lines should never settle for less or have to pay high prices for the things that they need to do it.

Rather you are buying for yourself, a loved one or simply representing the troops ordering is secure and easy. Your information is always protected, and you will love the quality that you get from the merchandise to the service. Don’t wait to get your order in before the holiday’s when things go out of stock or become short in supply. At these prices they won’t last long. Call 48 785 639 616 or visit to get your order secured.

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